
LOCATION Switzerland
AREA OF IMPACT Urban Transitions

Reusing Building Products & Materials

ReWinner takes high quality, used building products being disposed of in Switzerland and reuses them in Eastern Europe.

ReWinner matches demand and supply for quality, used building products and materials transnationally. Particular focus is on large scale projects, where vast amounts of quality materials are available for reuse.

Large scale reuse of building products and materials in different markets creates a clear win-win situation. It helps to reduce waste of high quality materials in certain high income countries, and at the same time makes renovations and energy upgrades more affordable in other countries.

By cooperating with municipalities, organisations, building companies and architects, ReWinner enables a higher degree of building material reuse.

Energy efficiency

In Eastern Europe, where large  population segments cannot afford necessary energy upgrades and renovations, used high quality building products and materials contribute to the solution.

For example: windows cause between 25-30 per cent of energy loss in a building making them a considerable factor in energy efficiency. Thousands of windows are replaced in Switzerland each year which are still twice as efficient as many windows in Eastern Europe. Presently, a large segment of home owners simply does not have the capital to replace their windows resulting in high CO2 emissions, exorbitant heating costs and uncomfortable interior temperatures.

By retrofitting used Swiss windows in buildings in Eastern Europe, CO2 emissions caused by existing windows are halved, heating costs reduced and the interior climate of people’s homes is improved.
