
SME Assembly 2022

Prague, Czech Republic
28 - 30 November 2022

The SME Assembly, organised by the European Commission, is the most significant event for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe. The conference takes place once a year during the European SME week. Together with the network of SME envoys, the assembly creates the governance structure of the small business act.

EIT Climate-KIC CEO Kirsten Dunlop will intervene at this year’s edition, with a closing keynote address on the policy conclusions of the SME Assembly 2022, on Wednesday 30 November at 11:30 CET.

SME Assembly 2022

The 2022 SME Assembly will take place from 28 to 30 November 2022, together with the Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The event will take place in Prague, with the option for additional delegates to attend online.

The assembly will feature high-level panels and interviews, expert round tables, interactive workshops, informative masterclasses and numerous networking opportunities. These will help stimulate Europe’s enterprises and equip them with the right tools for the transition towards sustainability and digitalisation.

RegisterFull programme (PDF)

Further information

Updates about the programme and speakers are announced on the European Commission’s website, on the promoting enterprise news portal, via Twitter @EEPA_EU and on Facebook. The official 2022 event hashtags are #SMEassembly2022 and #EEPA2022.

he SME assembly takes place during the European SME week. You can keep up to date on European SME week news and events on Twitter @EEPA_EU. The official hashtag for European SME week 2022 is #SMEweek2022. The European Commission also posts more widely about the importance of SMEs for Europe on Twitter @EU_Growth and Facebook.

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