
Scaling up climate finance in cities #JourneyToParis

10 Dec 2015

An interactive high-level discussion on improving cities’ access to climate finance.

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This event takes place December 10, Cities and Regions pavilion (Agora), COP21 Green Zone (Le Bourget), 15:00 to 16:30.

Cities represent around 70% of global CO2 emissions but they often struggle to finance their low-carbon interventions. Only a minor share of international climate finance is reaching cities. The event discusses innovative solutions to improve cities’ access to climate finance, such as matchmaking platforms, green bonds, result-based finance, pooled-finance instruments and innovation labs for city-level climate finance. 


  • Bertrand van Ee, CEO, Climate-KIC (Chair)
  • Gino Van Begin, ICLEI, Secretary General
  • Ms. Jill Grander, President, EcoStrategies, and Board of Partners, R20
  • Renat Heuberger, South Pole Group, CEO
  • Jean-François Habeau , Executive Director, FMDV
  • Kerry Constabile, United Nations, Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance
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