
Low Carbon City Lab – scaling up climate finance in cities #JourneyToParis

30 Nov 2015

High level session where panellists will present innovative initiatives to give cities better access to finance and discuss opportunities to engage even more cities and investors for the initiative.

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This event will take place at the EU Pavilion (Luxembourg room) in Le Bourget, COP21 Blue Zone, from 10:30-11:15 on 30 November

The Low Carbon City Lab (LoCaL) is a Climate-KIC initiative focusing on unlocking climate finance for cities. Acknowledging the struggles cities face to access finance for their mitigation actions, LoCaL brings together leading organisations worldwide to develop innovative financial mechanisms, organise matchmaking between investors and cities and develop accurate climate performance monitoring tools to enable result-based finance.

Together with South Pole Group, ICLEI, CDP, WWF, the Gold Standard Foundation, Suez Environnement and other partners, LoCaL aims to to enable 25 Billion USD of climate finance annually and generate 1 GtCO2 of emission reductions on a yearly basis by 2050.


  • Victor Gancel, Program Manager Low-Carbon City Lab, Climate-KIC
  • Martin Stadelmann, Practice Leader Cities and Climate Finance, South Pole Group
  • Maryke Van Staden, Program Manager Low-Carbon Cities, ICLEI Headquarter
  • Lance Pierce, President, CDP North America
  • Santiago Lorenzo, Head of Green Finance, WWF
  • Carlos de Freitas, Head of Programs, FMDV

Please contact COP21@climate-kic.org for more information.

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