
CEE Sustainable Finance Summit

17- 21 May 2021

The CEE Sustainable Finance Summit aims to ignite the discussion about sustainable finance and the opportunities it offers for Central and Eastern Europe.

It represents a unique opportunity for the region’s stakeholders to gain more insights into sustainable finance topics, to share knowledge, and discuss the challenges they face. The Summit is hosted by like-minded organisations from the region, inviting financial sector professionals, policymakers, and key stakeholders from business, politics, and civil society to join the discussion about how to unleash the potential of sustainable finance. This Summit also serves as a space for networking and exchange of experience between the different countries of the region.

The “Supporting Sustainable Innovation” discussion panel on 18 May at 16:00 CET will be attended by Anna Brussa from EIT Climate-KIC. 

Short panel description:

Public policies should stimulate a prosperous development of the socio-economic landscape by creating an environment that is supportive to all its actors and aligned with overarching paradigms of policies on the EU level. In this context, the role of governing authorities is to green their economies by creating a demand for green entrepreneurship and conditions to embed principles of sustainable growth into the activity of SMEs. On the other hand, start-ups and the existing SMEs shape local markets by supplying them with products and services, hence they can point out what type of support is essential. Only creating an ecosystem where ’demand’ meets ’supply’ will catalyse the change.


  • Anna Brussa, Team Orchestrator, Partner at EIT Climate-KIC
  • Diana Rusu, Policy Leader Fellow, School of Transnational Governance, EUI
  • Vlad Gliga, Co-founder & CEO of Rubik Hub, Co-founder of The Climate Vertical
  • Petr Vitek, Co-founder at Impact Hub & Tilia Impact Ventures
  • Michal Košina, Senior Mandate Manager, Mandate Management – Equity, European Investment Fund




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