
Almedalen Week in Visby, Sweden – Political week for the People

09 Jun 2015

Climate-KIC representatives will speak at the Almedalen Political Week in Visby, Sweden this month. 

Climate-KIC has joined forces with a number of key organisations at the forefront of promoting innovative action on Climate Change to form The Nordic City and Civil Society Initiative on Climate Change and Sustainable City Development at Almedalen 2015: Will Mayors Rule the World? 

The event on 28 – 29 June will emphasize leadership and social innovation as key drivers to fight climate change ahead of COP 21 in Paris 2015. From lunchtime on Sunday the dialogue will focus on what the Paris meeting needs to succeed and what will cities do if Paris proves to be a failure. 

About Almedalen Political Week

Almedalen Political Week is the most important and progressive political gathering in Sweden.  It takes place in the capital of Gotland, Visby.  Every year, for a week during the summer, politicians, business people, NGOs and investors from all over Scandinavia and other countries meet to discuss how best to foster the economy and enhance social objectives.

Climate-KIC presents

Monday 29 June 11.00 
Hackathon methods for networking and citizen participation  

Speaker: Line Gry Knudsen, Nordic Education Lead, Climate-KIC
Line will explain the decision process which a city goes through and invite discussion on how best to involve citizens and users when seeking climate friendly solutions.  The Climathon method can be used in developing future climate solutions for our larger cities. She will refer to outcomes from the Nordic Climathons held in the cities of Copenhagen, Helsinki and Gothenburg earlier in June. 

Sunday 28 June 17.00 
Innovation and Technology 

 Speaker: Professor Henrik Madsen, Technical University of Denmark (core partner in Climate-KIC) 

The full programme for the two day event is available here 

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