NetZeroCities Call for Enabling City Transformation


Oct 14 2024 5:00 pm CET


The Enabling City Transformation Call invites Mission Cities to propose innovative actions to overcome systemic challenges faced when implementing climate action. This eighteen-month programme aims foster large-scale, city-wide transformation, building upon and progressing beyond the Pilot Cities programme.

The programme aims to explore and implement enabling innovations that support large-scale, practical, and replicable learning. It is intended that the learnings made in this programme can support many other cities across Europe. By building the necessary conditions for city-wide transformation, the programme seeks to create a strategic portfolio of interventions that supports the implementation of the EU Cities Mission.

Selected cities will propose innovative actions to address systemic implementation challenges. This builds upon and progresses beyond the testing and experimentation approach developed in the Pilot Cities Programme, advancing towards large-scale implementation to achieve EU Cities Mission goals, paving the way for the sustainable, long-term transformation required for city climate neutrality.

With a budget of 22.8 million Euros under Horizon Europe, the programme aims to create practical, replicable solutions that support sustainable urban development, and climate neutrality across European cities.



For cities interested in joining this transformative learning programme. Find out more on our dedicate page Enabling City Transformation – NetZeroCities.