CEE Community Lab Implementation 2022 Call


Sep 12 2022 12:00 am CET


This Call aims at strengthening the Central & Eastern European (CEE) ecosystem of organizations working towards the transition of coal dependent regions to a zero carbon economy by addressing one of the main CEE problem spaces/ barriers preventing this transition: the lack of community and trust both on trans-national (CEE) or local level (national, regional).

We are especially interested in solutions to the cultural, demographic, historical and sociological challenges blocking the transformation and decreasing active engagement of the impacted groups in co-creation of the just future for them.  

Shifting the focus of work in coal regions from restructuring mines and the coal industry, to social, economic, energy transitions and climate neutrality is an important cornerstone in building towards the transition to zero carbon economies in these regions. Willingness to identify, understand and experiment around the blockages and feedback loops but also explore existing resources, and will look to establish the foundations for systemic innovation and change in coal regions.


The Call aims to identify a Partner or the group of Partners willing to pull together and animate an ecosystem of a portfolio of stakeholders whose engagement would contribute significantly to overcoming blockages of just transition, specifically addressing the lack of community and trust in this space, in following countries: Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Estonia, Slovakia and Czechia. 


Call documents

Call document here.

Supporting documents here.


How to apply

All applications must be submitted via Plaza, using the proposal form “RIS ACTION LINE II RIS Ideation and Pilot Projects (BP2022)”, and using the Final Submit button.

Important dates

Register for the upcoming Community Lab Call 2022 Zoom online information session on 14th July 12:00 CET.
