Built Environment Circular ClimAccelerator


Sep 19 2022 12:00 am CET


After a successful development of the Circular Cities ClimAccelerator, we are proud to announce that we are launching a new ClimAccelerator programme in 2022.

This programme edition will be focused mainly on built environment innovations in the circular economy that can also reduce carbon emissions.

We are looking to scaling business solutions that can change the linear production systems through technologies that are aligned with circular practices, such as modularity, upgradability and prolonged use of resources in the built environment sector.

The acceleration programme is open to 25 advanced stage start-ups, that can foster the net-zero circular economy and whose solutions cover the following sectors:

– High Performance building
– Infrastructures for water, waste management
– Construction materials
– Transportation & logistics
– Renewable energies
– Industry 4.0 and new circular business models


How to apply

Apply here.