Black Sea ClimAccelerator


Sep 26 2022 12:00 am CET


The Black Sea ClimAccelerator is the regional accelerator driving green, scalable innovation in Romania and Bulgaria. Its comprehensive structure includes support for early-stage start-ups, know-how for growth and scale-ups, grant financing of 300.000 EUR and access to a network of mentors, investors and professionals. We’re looking for driven start-up teams from Romania & Bulgaria who are building scalable solutions that fight climate change through any application that supports this purpose.

The programme is delivered Impact Hub Bucharest and its main partners Raiffeisen Bank România and OMV Petrom, as well as by Innovation Accelerator in Bulgaria.


How to apply

Apply here.

Important dates

Romania Deadlines:

Stage 1 (Early Stage): May 24 – July 24 2022

Stage 2 (MVP): July 26 – September 26 2022

Stage 3 (Growth): July 26 – September 26 2022

Bulgaria Deadlines:

Stage 1 (Early Stage): June 16 – August 17 2022

Stage 2 (MVP): June 16 – August 17 2022

Stage 3 (Growth): June 16 – September 30 2022