Municipality-led circular economy case studies

An urban circular economy is one in which cities keep resources in use for as long as possible, extract the maximum value from them whilst in use, then recover and regenerate products and materials at the end their life.

It is a more efficient and environmentally sound alternative to the traditional linear economy in which we make, use and dispose of resources.

The EIT Climate-KIC Orchestrated Innovation Ecosystem program is specifically looking for initiatives that promote and catalyse the sharing of circular economy
innovation between cities, regions and networks on a global basis, which is the essence of the Climate-KIC Circular Cities project.

Published in collaboration with C40, this first project publication provides a unique overview of concrete circular economy initiatives from cities through 40 examples from around the world. It showcases how cities today are viably putting the circular economy concept into practice to realise systemic change on a district and city level, which can then be scaled-up, not only regionally, but internationally as well.


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Related Focus Area
Urban Transitions
Related Goal
Goal 2: Nurture nature-based resilience for cities